How to reduce facial swelling

How to reduce facial swelling

I love midnight snacks, so I was very disappointed when my mother banned me from eating after hours. My mother gave me the finger and lectured me, warning me that I would look bloated in the morning. On the day I lost my nighttime meal, I soon learned that my mother's advice was no urban legend. Eating a diet high in sodium did indeed make my face ...... look bloated. [Dr. Anthony Yoon, a holistic plastic surgeon in Troy, Michigan, explains, "When you eat sodium, your body may retain water as it tries to compensate for salt and equalize the tonicity (or concentration) in the body. Sadly, there is no way to completely prevent bloating when you eat salty foods, drink alcohol, or sleep poorly. In addition to Dr. Yoon, I also contacted New York-based dermatologist Dr. Davar Banusari for expert tips on how to best combat bloating.

A slightly elevated angle works overnight. Says Dr. Banusari, "I tell patients to add a pillow to counteract gravity." 'This is one of the easiest ways to prevent bloating.' For extra pillows, cover them with an antibacterial pillowcase like the one below made with conductive silver (which has anti-inflammatory properties).

Nothing works better than an ice face bath to wake you up and get your blood pumping. According to Dr. Vanusari, the cold temperature tightens pores, constricts facial blood vessels (i.e., lets fluid out), and is effective in reducing swelling.

Some proponents of face rolling (open in new tab) claim that the movement of stones on the face balances the aura, expels toxins, and stimulates collagen. Science can't confirm it, but it sure gives one hell of a lymphatic massage. So it can't hurt, can it?

"Most of the salt-induced swelling we see is concentrated around the eyes," says Dr. Banusari. 'To get rid of puffiness in the eyes, use a jade facial roller. Place the roller in the refrigerator to cool it, then roll it over the swollen eyelids for a few seconds. This will help push the swelling out." Combining the jade roller with facial massage can further reduce inflammation.

This requires a visit to the grocery store beforehand, but it is worth it. Dr. Yun explains how it is done: "Steep green tea, refrigerate it, cut a few white potatoes, and soak them in cold green tea. Apply those potatoes to your eyelids. The cold temperature and caffeine, especially combined with the antioxidants and starch, will get rid of the eye puffiness quickly." Bonus: To further boost (and ingest) the antioxidants, you can drink green tea afterwards.

If you have time, enjoy light therapy. Red LED light has significant anti-inflammatory effects and has been shown to stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin.

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