Royal Fans Go Crazy Over This Excavated Video of the Queen Saying "Nah"

Royal Fans Go Crazy Over This Excavated Video of the Queen Saying "Nah"

The Queen (open in new tab) is usually known for being very neat, but even she has her super casual moments, like this video that's making the rounds on TikTok.

The unearthed video, shared by TikTok user arksteriff (opens in new tab), was shot in 2005, when the Queen was sitting for a commissioned portrait to mark her 80th birthday. In the short clip, the Queen comments that she "sees herself aging" before her eyes.

"Are you upset?" the painter asks, still brushing the canvas.

The queen then replies, with admirable nonchalance, "No."

The Arc Steriff recognized the clip as gold and shared it on TikTok along with not one, but two captions.

"The Queen is answering questions like every man in England," wrote arksteriff in a block of highlighted text near the top of the frame. In the lower left corner, "Can't get over the Queen saying 'nah' ? " was added.

Same. Exactly the same.

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