Why Hourglass Equilibrium Eye Balm is Worth It

Why Hourglass Equilibrium Eye Balm is Worth It

Welcome to Worth It! Every other week, I'll introduce you to a new product that I've tested and loved: the kind of love I'm talking about, the kind that drains you to the bottom and tells your friends, "I found The-One." Think of it as permission to splurge on anything featured here. Read on to learn more about the products you don't want to part with. And for the latest Worth It breakdown, click here (opens in a new tab).

Hourglass is known for creating makeup that is loved by everyone who wants natural yet gorgeous skin. The brand's Ambient Lighting Complexion Collection (opens in new tab) has a cult following among makeup artists, beauty gurus, and everyday consumers. Luckily, Hourglass has recently entered the skincare market. After all, what's the point of investing in top-notch makeup if you don't also pay attention to what's underneath?

The centerpiece of the new skin collection is the Intensive Hydrating Eye Balm (open in new tab); for $95, this thick ointment is supposed to do it all: moisturize under the eyes, reduce puffiness, increase radiance, and treat fine lines and wrinkles. Formulated with skin-protecting lipids and moisturizing cocoa seed extract, this balm is said to instantly improve the brightness and radiance under the eyes and reduce signs of aging by smoothing delicate skin over time.

Let me first say that I have a natural distrust of eye creams. With a few exceptions, I generally believe that eye cream is an adjunct to any skin care routine, and that marketing campaigns that tout eye cream as "essential" are really not for you. Is eye cream a nice-to-have? But if you don't invest in an expensive option, will your under eyes crumble into oblivion?

But lately, gently patting my daily moisturizer around my eyes instead of eye cream hasn't done enough for me. Whether it is the cold air outside or the ridiculously hot air coming from our overly hot radiator, my skin is dehydrated. In my case, it manifests itself in the form of peeling skin between my eyebrows and tightness in the corners of my eyes. In addition to the lack of sleep, I drink an extra glass of wine at night, so my eyes are puffy and dry, and I've grown accustomed to having dark circles that don't go away even after my morning cup of tea.

My tried-and-true eye cream wasn't enough, so I thought it might be time to look into other options. cracking open a small tub of Hourglass balm. The texture is almost like petroleum jelly. Normally I would have had a mild panic attack! What if it clogs my pores and gives me pimples under my eyes?" I patted it around my eyes and dry skin and went straight to bed. I thought when I woke up I would be greasy under my eyes and my silk eye mask would be smudged, but that didn't happen. Instead, I woke up less swollen and the skin around my eyes was smoother than it had been in a long time. I continued the nighttime test for a few more days until I got up the courage to try it in the morning, thinking that my eye makeup might melt away. But to my surprise, my product settled comfortably on top of it, and the mascara stayed on top of my natural lashes. As much as I love my Hourglass concealer, I really don't need anything else when I'm using the eye balm.

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