Some of the best reactions to Beyonce's visual album "Black Is King"

Some of the best reactions to Beyonce's visual album "Black Is King"

Fans have been absolutely giddy ever since they heard that Beyonce's visual album "Black is King" (opens in new tab) will debut on Disney + later this month. Its release is now upon us... And to exactly no one's surprise, it is basically breaking the Internet (an overused phrase perhaps, but in this case it is completely true). Upon its release, Beyonce explained that although the song began as a companion piece to the Lion King song, "I could never have imagined that a year later, the hard work that went into its creation would serve a greater purpose." Honestly, before you watch Reaction, you should watch it anyway. Here are the most spectacular reactions to the film so far, including all the details you may have missed.

First, see what happens when you like something that uses #BlackIsKing:

and get a glimpse of how gorgeous the film is:

Kelly Rowland, who is on the visual album, tweeted the hashtag:

and gave a glimpse of her cameo:

Celebrities also stayed up to watch the early morning debut!

She inspired her fellow musicians:

And Rizzo threw a watch party:

BLUE IVY, you're amazing:

Fans recognized all the work Queen Bey does:

And already thinking about how it will look when she does it:

so this will be loved, dissected and cherished for a long time.

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