Netflix's "The Speed Cubers" is unique, quirky, and very sweet.

Netflix's "The Speed Cubers" is unique, quirky, and very sweet.

One of Netflix's new summer 2020 short documentaries (opens in new tab) is about the world of "speed cubing." The term "speedcubing" refers to a competition to solve a Rubik's Cube. Many speedcubers are quite young, but their fingers move at super-speed and they solve the cube in just seven seconds. But "The Speed Cubers," which will be released on July 29, is also a deep dive into this very niche field, which has a devoted following around the world and attracts a lot of attention during competitions.

Directed by Sue Kim, the documentary makes you think, for just a few seconds, that you too might be able to solve the puzzle. (Cut to me sadly staring at the puzzle for eight hours.

The 40-minute documentary features "two of the world's best Rubik's cubers," speedcubing champions Park, 17, and Zemdegus, 23. Zemdegus held the title of fastest cuber ever for nearly a decade until Park broke his 3x3x3 record in 2017.

Despite their rivalry, meaning they are probably neck and neck as the #1 and #2 fastest cubers in the world, they are also totally friends and so cute to watch. In particular, it shows how Park, who was diagnosed with autism as a child, became interested in speedcubing and how quickly he grew up to become one of the best in the world.

The documentary provides background on speedcubing as well as background on each of the two athletes. The documentary also covers the World Championships. Although Zemdegs and Park are close, there cannot be two winners, and the tension builds as the two go head-to-head to determine who is the best in the world. No spoilers!

Watch "THE SPEED CUBERS" on NETFLIX (opens in a new tab)

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