Katie Holmes Follows Thandie Newton's Instagram After Tandy Reminds Her of Tom Cruise's "Nightmare" Story
So, this is a literal "sneak peek" emoji(?) Katie Holmes followed Thandie Newton on Instagram. This is cool and awesome, but the timing is... Interesting! In an interview with (open in new tab) Vulture (open in new tab) published this week, Newton spoke candidly to reporter E. Alex Jung, not only about turning down "Charlie's Angels" because of racist stereotypes, but also "Mission Impossible: 2" but also shared a "nightmarish" story of working with Tom Cruise on "Mission Impossible: 2. Cruise and Holmes have been married for six years (opens in new tab) and have a daughter, Suri, whom Cruise has reportedly not seen in years (opens in new tab), but Holmes has not been public about their marriage or divorce.
The full Vulture quote follows, but in a nutshell: Cruise's then-wife, Nicole Kidman, arranged for Newton to appear in "Mission Impossible: 2" (released in 2000). According to Newton, Cruise was super annoyed with Newton on the set, to the point of getting pimples on his face. Afterward, Newton said she regretted that she should have stood up for herself more, but she expected an apology from Cruise. Instead, she recalled, Cruise called her and demanded that they shoot the scene again. Newton explained that when she returned to the set, she channeled the "alpha bitch." Cruz "wasn't a terrible person," she said, just "very controlling."
Two days later, Holmes began following Newton on Instagram, according to the Mail. So. Yes.
Holmes speaks only very obliquely (open in new tab) about her six-year marriage to Tom. Holmes and Cruz married in 2006, and Holmes abruptly filed for divorce in 2012. Her lawyer at the time said, "Katie's primary concern remains, as it always has, the best interests of her daughter." The Los Angeles Times reported (opens in new tab) that Holmes used a disposable cell phone to contact her team about the divorce and hired three legal teams in three different states. A few days later, she was awarded full custody.
Tom later admitted that Holmes' decision was partly due to his religion. In a 2013 lawsuit (open in new tab) against a media company claiming that Cruz "dumped" Suri, Cruz was asked if Holmes divorced "in part to protect Suri from Scientology." Cruz replied, "No need for that," but added, "Did she say that?"
Anyway, here is Newton's full Vulture quote.
Anyway, if you need me, I'm here.
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