Ray Rivera Notebook Theory Taken Up by "Unsolved Mysteries" Co-Creators

Ray Rivera Notebook Theory Taken Up by "Unsolved Mysteries" Co-Creators

The first episode of the relaunched Netflix "Unsolved Mysteries" found the mystery of what happened to Ray Rivera (opens in new tab) baffling friends, family, and police. Thanks to this episode, online sleuths are re-examining Ray's case and putting forth possible theories as to what happened. In particular, they are looking at the strange and disturbing note (opens in new tab) that Ray left taped to the back of his computer the day he died, which was discovered by his wife, Allison, after his death. We know that the letter was not a suicide note (according to the FBI, which confirmed it), but other than that, we have no information as to why Ray wrote the cryptic letter with the Freemasonry reference and hid it. Online detectives are now trying to decipher the note, and co-creator Terry Dan Muller addressed the popular Reddit theory in an interview with Entertainment Weekly magazine (opens in new tab).

Ray's lengthy and rambling notes feature movie stars and directors such as Stanley Kubrick and M. Night Shyamalan. He also mentions a "well-played" game, which he does not elaborate on: the 1997 film "The Game," which, for those who don't know, features a man (Michael Douglas) who is tricked into thinking his life is falling apart. In a climactic scene, he jumps, falls through a glass roof, and thinks he is dead, but it all turns out to be a ruse to get him to look at his life from a different angle and appreciate things more (no relation: it's a weird movie).

Reddit user /zumalightblue thinks Ray may have been playing out the events in the movie: the whole movie is about this crazy game: ...... that makes you think you've lost everything in order to appreciate life again". Ray is an unsuccessful film scriptwriter who may have been involved in [something] that attempts to emulate 'The Game' in some way."

Muller says he has already spoken to Allison about that theory:

"She, like the FBI, has spent a lot of time going through the notes to see if there are any clues in those notes or something else. She has placed no significance on the movie "Game". Ray liked many types of movies. He was just a man who was interested in everything. If he had only ever left that sentence, or if that was all he wrote randomly, people would be a little suspicious. But this is what he always did. He kept a lot of diaries filled with random writing. Allison feels that "he went through all the diaries trying to find clues to figure out what happened to him, but he didn't find any real strong connection to 'The Game.'"

As of this writing, the episode has only been out for a week, so more theories may emerge as more people watch it. I will update again if there is further information.

If you have information on the death of Ray Rivera, please visit unsolved.com.

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