Kylie Jenner posts Photoshopped bikini photo, immediately deletes it
While we (meaning me) are spending this quarantine period eating cheese and avoiding pants, Kylie Jenner is out there creating content as if it were her job. But that's not quite right: as well as TikToks, Kylie has been posting bikini photos on Instagram.
But here's the thing. Kylie accidentally posted an obviously Photoshopped version of these photos, realized her mistake a few minutes later, deleted it, and reposted it. But not before fans had collected their receipts.
I mean, who among us hasn't messed with FaceTune art from time to time?" In any case, this is not the first time Kylie has been accused of Photoshopping her photos. In fact, fans are convinced that Kylie worked with paparazzi to stage a group of Photoshopped photos (opens in new tab) outside her home as a reaction to a group of un-Photoshopped paparazzi photos (opens in new tab) that appeared a few days earlier.
In other news, Kylie just bought another house worth millions of dollars, something that tells me she is not worried about fans accusing her of Photoshopping now. She is too busy getting rich.
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