Millie Bobby Brown wears "Wife" shorts after wedding with Jake Bon Jovi

Millie Bobby Brown wears "Wife" shorts after wedding with Jake Bon Jovi

Millie Bobby Brown is proud to be her "wife.""

The actress, who married her partner Jake Bongiovi in May, posted a new photo of the two enjoying a fun day at Universal Studios Orlando where she is wearing denim shorts that say "wife" on the back in a college font, plus a hat that says "party wife" and something similar. He is wearing a t-shirt hidden in the photo.

Bongiovi, as for him, chose the shorts of the American flag. He was also wearing a white hat, it may have said "party", because it's a thing.

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Bongiovi's famous father, Jon Bon Jovi, confirmed last week that his son has married a Stranger Things actress. Asked how they were doing while appearing on The BBC's The One Show, he said: "They are great. They are absolutely amazing. It was a very small family wedding. The bride looked gorgeous, and Jake is as happy as possible, and yeah, it's true!

After the event, the newlyweds headed straight to the Hamptons and now appear to be continuing their honeymoon tour in Orlando.

Brown received some annoying comments about getting engaged at the age of 19 (she's now 20), but why she'll wait to Glamour in 2023 "It's like — I know I need to make this movie right now. I know I should write this book now. I know I should do this now," she said.

"It's not because I can't do it in 10 years; Of course I can do it in 10 years. But why, when I know that it will work now "Just like Florence [by Mills, her beauty line] there in 10 years you will be able to see my movie in 10 years on TV." And I know Jake and I will be fine.

Meanwhile, the rock star dad of Bongiobi has raised his voice about his support of the sweet young couple, comparing it to his own relationship with Dorothea Hurley, his wife of 35 years.

I hope that lovers will be happy for many years!

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