King Charles, preparing for a major international tour this fall alongside cancer treatment, is reportedly "in denial" about how well he can cope.
King Charles has always been a hard worker, and even now, as he continues his cancer treatments, he seems to be biting off more than he can chew. (It is something that his lovely wife, Queen Camilla, has accused him of jokingly, and perhaps not always jokingly in private, in public
Prince Charles announced his cancer diagnosis on February 5, the same day he began cancer treatment; he continued to work from home and make occasional public appearances until he officially returned to public life on April 30; in October, he and Camilla will visit Oceania, the first royal tour since his diagnosis The original plan was to visit Australia, Samoa, and Oceania. Initial plans called for stops in Australia, Samoa, New Zealand, and Fiji, but reports indicate that the New Zealand and Fiji tours will be scaled back due to Prince Charles' need to keep pace with his recovery.
However, according to the Daily Beast, the King has "nixed" the tour plans and wants everything to go ahead, despite the fact that it is undesirable. Buckingham Palace has yet to confirm the cancellation of the two Oceania tour itineraries. Tom Sykes of the Daily Beast writes, "Even New Zealand's prime minister said this weekend that Prince Charles has an 'open invitation' to visit the country, a veritable admission of the worst kept secret in diplomatic circles." Another lawmaker said that, according to Sykes, "if the royal visit is canceled, the New Zealand public will be typically reasonable about it."
In further indication that the tour will be scaled back, Sykes reports that Prince Charles' private secretary, Clive Alderton, has been in Australia in recent days and is "making preparations for his master's visit to Australia, scheduled for mid-October this year." . However, the lack of sightings of Alderton in New Zealand is evidence that Charles has cancelled his planned visit to New Zealand in conjunction with his visit to Australia. A proposed trip to Fiji has also reportedly been shelved.
The Mirror broke the news of the cancellation, saying it would be a "bitter disappointment for both sides," but for now, Sykes writes, "the Palace is sticking to the line that travel plans are continuing." He adds, "The Palace's reluctance to rush an announcement is entirely understandable, given that Prince Charles still hopes to be able to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa, despite his ongoing cancer battle.
As for why the Palace has not confirmed the shortened tour, a source told The Daily Beast, "He denies it by continuing to say that his overseas travel plans are proceeding at full speed, but orders come from the top. 'Charles is optimistic and desperately trying to keep everything going. Missing New Zealand is a big loss and will be a source of great regret for him. But the fact that he is still playing Australia is frankly unbelievable and that should be celebrated."
Australia is likely to take place in October, but according to the Mirror, even the dates have been shortened to six days, including two days off. 'Australia is an important part of the Commonwealth, which Charles considers absolutely non-negotiable,' the Mirror said. 'There is considerable public antipathy to the whole notion of the British monarch being Australia's head of state. Going to Australia while undergoing treatment for cancer was not something he had planned to do, but what better way to let the Australian public know how important they are to the British Crown."
Sykes wrote that the King's "not entirely surprising decision to cancel his New Zealand tour raised questions about his ability to keep to an overcrowded schedule while undergoing cancer treatment." "Camilla has reportedly repeatedly urged her husband to 'slow down,'" one of her friends previously told The Daily Beast about the couple.
A friend of the King's told the magazine, "Charles is acutely aware of the importance of the monarch's visits, not only to foreign countries, but also to domestic charities and organizations. That is why he is determined to do all he can, to meet as many people as possible, and to support as many causes as possible." It would not be good for his morale to sit lonely with his feet up in Balmoral. But at the same time, if his doctors or his wife say no to something, he has to listen. I think we are witnessing that now."