Drew Barrymore Says New Season of Talk Show Will “Practice Physical Distance”
Drew Barrymore stunned reporters with her self-awareness.
Speaking to Denny Direct of “Entertainment Tonight,” Barrymore discussed the upcoming season of her talk show, dubbed “The Drew Barrymore Show.”
When asked what she has planned for the new episodes, the actress said, “Well, I'm going to practice physical distance. That's not really my forte.”
Barrymore is known for getting very physically close to her guests, sitting close to them on the show's couch, hugging them, and taking their hands. Many people like this about her, and the director noted that it is “genuine,” but others are not big fans of this habit of hers.
“It's not everyone's favorite, but I feel bad for those people,” the actress added.
The talk show host's interview with Oprah Winfrey was a good example of her very loving nature - as was when she found a crying audience member and not only hugged her, but sat on her lap to comfort her (yes, it worked).
Speaking to “Entertainment Tonight,” Barrymore said of what we can expect from the show in the future, “I want to bring joy, fun, warmth, and news. [...] [...]