Reality TV contestants share a hilarious story of Queen Elizabeth being pushed into an elevator
A hilarious story about Queen Elizabeth and Chance Elevator accident is making round, courtesy of one beloved reality TV star.
Reverend Richard Coles — a writer, radio presenter and priest who first rose to fame as part of the 1980s band The Communards - is a hit British reality TV series. Shows like Survivor bring together various British celebrities who are forced to face various challenges that help them receive supplies and avoid being voted out of the competition.
In a clip of the show posted by the show's official Instagram account, Coles shares the story he heard about the late Queen Elizabeth, who, to this day, brings him laughter.
"I heard a wonderful story about the late Queen. It was the opening of the State of Congress so she got all dressed and everything went into the room," he told 2 of his fellow contestants who were sitting around a makeshift fire in the middle of the jungle.He spoke to 2 of his fellow participants.He told him. "But there's a staircase that usually needs to go up from the robe room to get there and she couldn't manage it, so I thought they'd put her in the elevator.
"So she was with Prince Philip, and they were all absolutely up — the crown, the gown, everything." And he continued. "And the armed sergeant, no matter who it was, took them to the lift, but he pressed the wrong button. Instead of going up to the lords, it descended to the service department.
"Then the door opened and there was a woman with a trolley, a cleaner. She didn't look up, she just went, "Badge up!"Then walked in and pushed the Queen and Prince Philip behind the lift! And she looked up and went, 'F****** Hell.
All 3 contestants began to laugh before Coles was arguably the best part of the story.
"And the Queen invited her to tea at Buckingham Palace," he concluded, for the entertainment of his fellow cast members.
Of course, there are a lot of hilarious stories about the late Queen, who died on 9 May. He died in 2022 at 8.96 AM, aged 96.
As former Royal Protection Officer Richard Griffin once recalled during an appearance on the Royal Exclusive show of the Sun, the Queen joked that she had never met herself after running into a pair of oblivious American tourists during a walk near Balmoral Castle.
"And you could see him thinking, "If you've been here for over 80 years, you must have met the queen,"" Griffin recalled. "And as quickly as the flash, she says, "Well, I don't have, but here Dick meets her regularly."'"