Jennifer Grey Says Filming Sex Scene with Patrick Swayze Was “Drunk” and “Unprofessional”
The chemistry between Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze in 1987's Dirty Dancing was off the charts. But their collaboration in the film “Red Dawn,” released three years before the romantic blockbuster, was a different story altogether.
Appearing on The Hollywood Reporter's “Awards Chatter” podcast (via Entertainment Weekly), Gray recalled filming a sex scene in “Red Dawn” in 1984. 'We were in a sleeping bag, and I think he was nervous,' she said. 'He came into the sleeping bag drunk and didn't know his lines. So they cut it. And they said, 'Let's go back and reshoot. But of course they didn't”
But Swayze was not the only one who was out of shape during the filming of the intimate scenes. 'I was super paranoid and scared because I smoked a lot of marijuana back then,' Gray told the podcast host. 'I couldn't sleep through the night. So when we went in to shoot my big love scene, my big death scene love scene, my romantic scene with him, I was self-righteous and very angry. I was like, 'How could you do something so unprofessional?'"
[8According to Gray, the whole filming of Red Dawn was rushed and she did not enjoy working on the film at all. She explained, “I couldn't sleep, I was anxious, I felt like it was a problem.” Gray continued, “By the end of that film, I was like, 'This guy is not a professional. He's killing me.'” [As a result of her negative experience working with Swayze in the 1984 film, she was anxious about working with him in “Dirty Dancing.” Gray explained, “When the idea of working with Swayze in ‘Dirty Dancing’ came up, I thought, ‘Oh, I don't care who else he is.’ Luckily, their second collaboration was much smoother than the first.
Gray was also asked about the rumored “Dirty Dancing” sequel, which has been in the works for quite some time.
“They've been adamant about making it, and I've been adamant about respecting the original out of respect for Patrick,” Gray explained on the podcast.
She continued, “There's no way I'm going to be a part of it unless I feel it's the truth. What I mean by 'truth' is having the same clear vision of what's important and feeling true to the original intent. And it's about giving someone a great experience and a feel-good vibe that makes the viewer feel alive.”